Grade 12 information

Finishing your school career at Huntsville High School, plan your future!


Monday, September 26, 2011

Prestigious LORAN Scholarship and others

Attention Graduating students.....
Applications for the Loran scholarship are now available online
All applications that are requesting to be endorsed by the school need to be submitted to Ms. Fawcett by October 12th. Applicants will know if they are endorsed by Oct 17th, 2o11.

Applications for the TD scholarships for Community Leadership are now available online
or call 1800-308-8306 for information

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How to Find the Grad Survey!

You can access the Scholarship Grad Survey through the same menu that gave you access to this blog. It's the last item on the menu!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The new grad survey is up and running. Fill out the grad survey (through the HHS website) to be eligible for graduation awards and bursaries!

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