Grade 12 information

Finishing your school career at Huntsville High School, plan your future!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Scholarship Information

Please read the last BLOG as those scholarships are still available.

John McConnell Memorial Foundation Bursary
This student must be a resident of Muskoka, be pursuing a post-secondary education and must fill in an application form that is available in the student services office. (amount to be determined)

Canadian Crime Victim Foundation Scholarship
$1,000 to a grade 12 graduating student who writes a letter to the Canadian Crime Victim Foundation outlining how they have been pro-active around the issues of bullying. due May 6th

Grads remember to check the websites of your chosen college or university just in case they have special awards that you need to apply to soon! You must be a student at that insitution to apply.

Good luck and make sure you check back next week!

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