Grade 12 information

Finishing your school career at Huntsville High School, plan your future!


Friday, October 1, 2010


College Information Program - CIP is on Monday October 18t @ Georgian - Orillia. All Ontario Colleges will be represented there. Everything you wanted to know about college in Ontario will be at your fingertips! Permision forms for the bus will be available after Thanksgiving in the guidance office. $5 fee and your permission form gets you to Orillia and back for the buses on Monday 1th 18th.

Mrs. Schwartz will be coming to period 1 and 2 classes in the next two weeks to explain the blog + einfo + Ontario Colleges websites and what you should be will be applying at Christmas....that's 3 months away!!!!!

SCHOLARSHIPS: I will blog October scholarships next week....I try to blog once a week but it may be more often before November as there is so much information to read.

Thanks for being proactive about your future!

Please make a guidance appointment soon so that we can make sure you are on track to graduate!

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